
Must Know Glossary of Important Document Management Terms

We have been learning about a lot of strategies, tips, and tricks associated with efficient document management. Now, it is time to visit the meanings of some crucial terms to keep the concept spooled up in our mind. Let us get started!

1. Access

The term defines the means of retrieving and using the data or any information by right or by opportunity.

2. Access Point

An element of a description made searchable with a view to its retrieval.

3. Access Role

t signifies the official role given to a person or a group according to which they can find, use, add, change or retrieve the information. Role defines the limit to which the access holder can interact with the information.

4. Accretion

It is defined as the Accrual or Accession of records that are regularly organized and added to a series. Here, the record series is maintained by an Archiving Institution.

5. Admissibility

Admissibility is defined as the degree of acceptability of a piece of evidence (record/document/information) in the legal environment that does not infringe any exclusionary rule.

6. Archival Institution

An Archival Institution is an agency or an organization responsible for selecting, acquiring, preserving, and making available archives.

7. Archives

These are the records of inherent value meant for permanent preservation. Archives are usually preserved in an archival repository, which is managed by an archival institution.

8. Audit

Audit is the process of reviewing, verifying, evaluating and reporting of an organization’s system, process, project or product, usually carried out by Government or regulatory authorities.

9. Backup

The term backup signifies a set of digital files/records/data that are copied onto a separate & secure medium (usually hard drives or servers) from the originals. This is to ensure the survival of the information in the event of loss of originals due to any reason.

10. Backward Compatible

Backward compatibility is nothing but the ability of software to access, read and edit the files created on previous versions of the same software.

11. Batch

A batch can be defined as a group of data, commands, tasks or programs that are clubbed as a unit for computer processing.

12. Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)

BPR is a strategic operation or change carried out on a business process to increase its effectiveness or efficiency in the terms of its output.

13. Classification

The procedural process of identifying and arranging business activities and the resulting records into categories according to structured conventions is termed as Classification.

14. Classified Records

Any record that contains sensitive information which cannot be compromised is protected from any unauthorized access. Such a record is termed as a ‘Classified Record.’

15. Content Management

Content Management is the process of establishing systems and guidelines in an organization to monitor the systematic creation, organization, access and use of large quantities of information in different formats and applications. The process of content management may include, but is not limited to, records management, web management and the creation of collaborative workspaces.

16. Continuum

Continuum is the concept of life-cycle management of records via coherent and consistent processes. Continuum is established right from the design and development of record management system to the available archiving of records.

17. Data Structure

Data structure is the scheme defined for arranging different pieces of data for interpretation or reference in the future.

18. Destruction

Destruction is the disposal of records through incineration, pulping, shredding, deletion or another method, so that their reconstruction is impossible in order to avoid information/identity theft or leakage.

19. Digital Signature

Digital signature is the cryptographic transformation of a message in which the receiver’s public electronic key must correspond with the sender’s electronic private key to decrypt the message.

20. Dublin Core

An officially recognized international metadata standard (NISO Standard Z39.85; ISO Standard 15836) with 15 elements, created by the library and archives community to manage the description of information resources, especially the web content.

21. Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

EDMS is the implementation of an electronic system to manage different kinds of documents in an organization

22. Ephemera

Ephemeron is the term used to define the documents of transitory use and value, such as advertisements and brochures.

23. Forward Compatible

Forward compatibility is defined as the ability of software to create files that will be compatible with its newer versions.

24. Functional Classification

This is the type of records classification use to organize information on the basis of the task, function or activity performed by the organization rather than by subject, name or department.

25. General Disposal Schedule

A schedule set by organizations according to which the sensitive records are to be disposed of with secure shredding after their lifecycle ends.
There are many more definitions and terms in Records and Document Management domain. The above-mentioned terms are crucial but not exhaustive due to the limited length of this article. Keep checking out our blog as we come up with an extended glossary in the second part.

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