
A List of Documents in Your Storage that Should Rather be Shredded

2.5 Billion Gigabytes of Data is a lot! And, it becomes a lot more overwhelming when you’ll realize the fact that this was the amount of data generated ‘Per Day’ in 2012. With most of this data belonging to or fueled by the businesses and organizations, data security becomes a cause of concern. Especially when 13,443,149,623 data records have been stolen or lost since 2013, and 4,286 Data records are compromised every minute!

A single piece of lost or stolen data can substantially cost a company both money and time. Stringent legal compliance and regulations are being enforced worldwide to protect the interests of those involved in business/transactions/information exchange with any organization. And so is happening in India.

The above information holds true for any sensitive data stored in the digital format. Well, what about the ‘Print’ format? Organizations carry gargantuan loads of Physical Documents that, if stolen, can launch havoc for its clients, customers, and the management. So, safely disposing, or precisely destroying your organization’s physical and digital data records comes-off as a necessity.

To make it easier for you, here is a list of documents in your storage that should rather be shredded, followed by key-benefits it will bring for your company!

List of Documents in Your Storage that Should Rather be Shredded:

Business Documents & Records

  • Client Information Records/list
  • Emails
  • Bids & Proposals
  • Pricing
  • Contracts
  • Quotations
  • Contact Details
  • Account & Banking Documents
  • Cancelled Checks
  • Receipts
  • Legal Records
  • Tax Forms
  • Budgeting and Finance Documents
  • Payroll and Employee Data
  • Market Research
  • Balance Sheets
  • Blueprints
  • Confidential R&D Documents
  • Audits
  • Letters and Applications

Personal Documents & Records

  • Bank Statements
  • ATM Receipts
  • Credit Card & Debit Card Statements
  • Personal Emails
  • Resumes
  • Tax Information
  • Personal Credit Reports
  • Travel Details
  • Tickets
  • Cancelled/Void Checks
  • Personal Contact Records
  • Bills

The list can go on! But you must know what key-benefits of security the document shredding will bring. Check them out!

Why Should You Shred the Stored Documents?

To Protect the Identities of Your Stakeholders

Your organization has collected a giant load of identity records of your customers, clients, employees, vendors, partners and many others. Any breach in the digital records or in the print records might result in Identity theft. This can be further exploited in ‘n’ number of ways by the information thieves. Shredding the ID related documents of people when they are no longer in use can spare your company from lengthy legal proceedings, cost, and doubt on brand authority. Make sure that you carefully preserve the identities of your stakeholders to breed long-term professional trust.

Legal is the way to go!

Law, in many states and countries, requires the companies and organizations to protect the confidential client information at all times. In India, the ‘Information Technology Act’ of 2000 clearly dictates provision of Liability, Prosecution, and Punishment to a person or an organization that misuses or fails to protect the personal and confidential information of the subjects. So, when it is all about ‘protecting’ the information from misuse, shredding them will give you the peace of mind.

Brand Reputation begins with Trust

Your organization is trusted by the people because they know that their information is in safe hands. Even a small incident, where their information is leaked, can immediately result in the broken trust and negative brand image. Your reputation can be well preserved by a meagre thing like document shredding!

Honestly it clears up a lot of clutter

Cluttered stores and cabinets with layers of dust cannot be a sign of good management or productivity. A clean and organized workplace not only boosts motivation to work better, it also resolves the ‘itch’ we fail to trace the source to. Shredding and destroying the data, whether in digital or physical form, can save you a great deal of space. Say cheers to neat and organized.

Why not save the environment?

To be honest, the world could use a little less paper. If no, you can at least shred it and get it recycled. This will help your organization to reduce its carbon footprint, and gain a point in ‘Business Ethics.’

So why not securely destruct your redundant data records with Starbics Secured Shredding? We will ensure no hassle comes to you with our on-site and mobile shredding solutions. We will even recycle the waste for you! Go on, protect your organization and Earth’s interest with are services.

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